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Steffi Lewis

sBlogIt! The AI-Driven Blogging Platform

What shall we blog about today?

Top Blogging Objections, And Why sBlogIt! Negates Them All!

Published: 02/09/2024 @ 19:33PM

I love blogging. I've been doing it every week for my commercial clients for the last 15 years and some of them now have over 300 blog posts to their name. I think I know what I'm talking about. But for the whole time I've been creating, publishing and sharing blog posts for them there have been objections from potential new clients ...

Top 10 Blogging Objections And Why sBlogIt! Negates Them All!

Blogging objections, Critics' words can sting and burn, But passion prevails

Of course, me doing it for you on a manual blogging platform takes time and takes a big chunk out of your marketing budget. An 'edit' takes me 1/2 hour and a 'write' takes an hour so you can imagine the subscription gets expensive for all but the marketing savvy.

Cost is always the first objection!

And I get that, because committing to spending a couple of hundred pounds a month when you're unsure of your own income can be difficult. That's why sBlogIt! has no subscription, is free to sign up, and you only buy tokens when you actually need them. 

The next objection is that blogging
is time-consuming!

Yes, if you do it manually it is. It can take a couple of hours to research what you want to say then translate it into words, then edit it into your voice. Who's got time for that these days? Well, don't worry about that with sBlogIt! as it can take as little as 30-seconds to create the words for a new blog.

Imagine you want to write about a new service you're offering. You've created a service sub page on your website (and that took hours!) so you don't have time to spend another few hours writing a blog post around it. Ok ... just plug the URL into sBlogIt! and our AI will write it for you. Time taken? 30-seconds!

What other objections are there?

Quite a lot actually, and they're all negated by sBlogIt! Firstly we have a lack of writing skills to which I say, "That's not a problem, sBlogIt! writes it for you!". The following statement is usually, "But it will be in US English!" Yes it will be, but hit the Fettle button and it'll be in British English in a few seconds.

The next objection is usually, "I've no idea what to write about!". Ah, that ol' chestnut. sBlogIt! will create inspiration for you. Enter a keyphrase and sBlogIt! will find 8 current news/blogs on Google, 8 AI-generated ideas around your keyphrase subject and 8 completely random, off-the-wall ideas. Just click one and get started.

Another objection is that they won't remember to blog consistently. Now when I was manually blogging for my commercial clients I had a reminder system that emailed them and at that point, they'd email me back with their words or an idea for me to blog about for them.

sBlogIt! does the same! Users select which days they want reminding and they get an email in the morning. The cool thing is that if they've created any inspiration, it'll email that along with the reminder so they can just pick something and get started.

I could go on, and on, and on ... technical skills (don't need any with sBlogIt!), cost (just buy tokens when you need them), quality (sBlogIt! has lots of writing styles like Point of View, Tone and Myers-Briggs), SEO knowledge (SEO is built-in and just works in the background), image licensing (sBlogIt! creates them for you), and finally, creating social media shares (well, sBlogIt! does that for you too!)

sBlogIt! is an AI-driven end-to-end
blogging system!

You can - quite literally - get one of our reminder emails, click some inspiration and have a high-quality, finished blog post ready to publish on your sBlogIt! blog or copy out to your website or social within just a few minutes.

sBlogIt! negates every objection I've ever heard in the past 15-years. It negates them because I wrote it to negate them.

So, no more excuses, ok? Sign up and play with it yourself.

Until next time ...

Independent UK SaaS Developer - Creator of YourPCM & sBlogIt!

Call/WhatsApp: +44 (0) 7490 373980

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sBlogIt! My Brand New AI-Driven Blogging Platform

YourPCM | Exclusively for UK small business owners

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